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$2 Meal Challenge

Did you know that nearly half of all people in the world live on $2 per day or less?  When you consider all of your daily living expenses – food, housing, vehicles, insurance, entertainment, and more – how much are you living on per day?  Humbling, isn’t it?

To help us have a taste of what life is like for billions of people around the world, we invite you to join us for the $2 meal challenge!  For one week eat meals that cost $2 or less, for a total of $6 per day.  Share your photos, $2 meal recipes, experiences and lessons learned on your Instagram and Facebook accounts using the hashtag #2DollarMealChallenge.   The World Missions Department Staff has also accepted this challenge and we will be posting about our experiences throughout this next week. Will you join us?

Next: The Story of the Breakfast Donut
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