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The Story of the Breakfast Donut


A few days ago I bought a ½ dozen donuts for my Sunday School class. I came home with leftovers. 3 days later, I noticed all that was left in the box were two halves of donuts… 3 days old. I considered the dilemma: throw them out or try to salvage them into a breakfast. I’m always cheap, but I’m especially in cheap mode this week, so I decide a few quick seconds in the microwave, maybe with a damp paper towel will transform these two dry donut halves and give me a delicious breakfast… which is exactly what I do. Right about now you are thinking I am ridiculous! Which is actually what I was thinking as I ate them. They were not terrible, just not an ideal breakfast. I’m especially annoyed with myself when I go to my food log to write down how much I’ve spent on breakfast and realize I need to price my donut at $1.00. I think: “UGH! Why did I do this? I could have had a piece of fruit or even a Pop-Tart for less than 0.25!” And just at my point of deepest annoyance I realize… I did the right thing. The alternative of throwing away $1 worth of donut so that I could instead congratulate myself for finding a cheaper breakfast? Not exactly the economy this exercise is about. Besides, I still managed to stay under my daily $6 allotment and had a fatty, sugary breakfast treat. Win-Win! 🙂

Next: The Story of The Day I Failed
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