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This is my SMT story – Rebecca Hixenbaugh

In 2013 I was accepted to be a part of team Caribbean where 6 other young adults and I served in Belize and Jamaica.  Then in 2015 I was accepted again to be a part of team Hungary with 4 other young adults. While serving on both missions teams I was able to experience deep spiritual growth and an understanding of cultural awareness. Though both of these teams have impacted my life, it was the time I went to Hungary that meant the most.

Before going to Hungry I was in a period of wandering, brokenness, and questioning what I was to do with the life God had given me. I went to Hungary seeking God and I found Him in the people I met while traveling throughout Hungary with my team serving in the corps there. Our visit to Debrecen, Hungary impacted me the most. It was there that I had the opportunity to talk with the teenage girls about my story and then shared that testimony in the backyard of a gypsy community. I spoke about the struggle of depression I faced daily yet I had a God that loves me so much that He never leaves me in my times of need and how He brought me to Hungary to see that love He has for all His people. It was after giving my testimony that a young mother of two thanked me for being open and honest about my struggle because she too struggled with the same thing. Through that connection, by witnessing the love of everyone we met plus seeing the officers faithfully follow God in spite of the hardships they faced, I started to heal from the brokenness I had come from and experience God on a whole new level. It was there that I started to really pray about the path God had for me and to really start seeking after God’s will for my life.

That experience in Debrecen was the beginning of a healing process and the start of following God whole heartily. I came back to the States ready to pursue God’s plan in my life and have faithfully followed it to where I am today as a youth director in Big Rapids, Michigan.



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