Missions Moment: World Services/Self-Denial Resources

Missions Moment

Topic: World Services/Self-Denial Resources


April is the final month of the 2017-2018 World Services year.  In anticipation of our World Services/Self-Denial Ingathering on May 6, we share the following resources which can all be accessed here:


2018 Into the World videos– this year we highlight three exciting projects the Central Territory has partnered with SAWSO to support:

  • Health and education for children in the Kenya East Territory
  • Women’s ministries in the India South Eastern Territory
  • Soccer fields for ministry and income generation in the Latin America North Territory

Printed Materials

Refreshed printed materials are available, including posters, envelopes, coin boxes, and pledge cards.

As you take up the offering for World Services/Self-Denial at your Ingathering, please invite the congregation come forward to pick up a bank and encourage them to have that in a prominent place in their home to save their offering all year. Have pledge cards available, and encourage the audience to prayerfully consider their participation and ‘self denial’ for God’s world.


We look forward to the ways our World Services / Self-Denial gifts will be used to expand the Kingdom!

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