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#2DollarMealChallenge Follow-Up

DSC_1105 Pakistan IslamabadSo you’ve completed the $2 Meal Challenge, now what?

  1. Don’t forget what you’ve learned. Find a way to keep the lessons you learned through this challenge at the forefront of your mind. Here are a few suggestions that may be helpful to you:
    • Keep the lessons fresh in your mind by practicing this challenge once per quarter or maybe once per week.
    • Daily pray for those around the world who are facing extreme poverty and hunger.
    • Eat leftovers, don’t waste food, and always remember to thank God for His provision.
  2. Don’t keep it to yourself! Tell your friends about your participation in the $2 Meal Challenge and the lessons that God taught you through these experiences. Maybe what you share with them will help to expand their worldview and care for people around the world. The next time you participate in the $2 Meal Challenge invite your co-workers, neighbors and family to join you.
  3. Give. Learning a lesson is great. What’s even better is having those lessons impact your life AND the life of others. With the money you saved during the challenge, you can fight world hunger. Give that money to World Services at your corps, or donate it to your corps food pantry. Or click here for a variety of ways you can help The Salvation Army make a difference for those in need around the world.

If you accepted the $2 Meal Challenge we want to hear from you! Let us know what went well for you, what was challenging, and how your life has been impacted through this exercise.




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