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5 Ways to Make a Difference This Christmas Season

This Christmas do something that will make a difference! Not sure where to begin? Here are a few suggestions:

1. Encourage someone. For many of us Christmas is a time when we will gather with friends and family, but for some Christmas can be a lonely or isolating time. Think of those who are missionaries or refugees, those who are hospitalized or incarcerated. Consider those who have lost a loved one this last year or who are unable to be with family for one reason or another. Send an email, letter, or package to encourage an individual who could use some extra care this Christmas season.

2. Pray for the persecuted church. There are 200 million people who face persecution for believing in Jesus, according to Christians in Crisis International Ministry. Pray that these persecuted brothers and sisters would experience God’s hope, strength and love in a special way during this Christmas season.

3. Give a gift that matters. According to the American Research Group, the average American plans to spend $882 on gifts this Christmas season. As you plan which gifts you will give this year, consider giving a gift that really matters and will make a difference around the world! One example is a financial gift in someone’s name to The Salvation Army’s Share Your Christmas Joy campaign. Share Your Christmas Joy provides financial resources to Salvation Army children’s homes around the world to facilitate a Christmas party, small gifts and a Christmas dinner. For many of the recipients it will be their first time enjoying a Christmas celebration!

4. Say thank you. Christmas is a great time to say thank you to those who might often be overlooked – the mailman, the overworked cashier at the retail store, professors or teachers, parents, pastors, and more! Take time to say thank you to these individuals for the way they impact your life. And don’t forget to thank God for the gift of His Son, Jesus!

5. Take time to celebrate Jesus. Take a break from the activity and busyness of Christmas to sit quietly by the
advent candles, take time to gaze out the window at the winter wonderland and appreciate the beauty of nature, sing some Christmas carols and reflect on God’s promises to us.   Take time to celebrate the amazing gift God has given to us through His Son and allow God to bring peace and joy into your own life this Christmas season.

What are you doing to make a difference this Christmas?

Next: Christmas Gift Idea – Love In Action
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