We were briefed by the Lt. Colonels Davissons the next day about the workings of the Spain/Portugal Territory. There are differences between our territories, and the Lord is at work. For the workers were few, but the potential for harvest is very plentiful.
To the best of our ability, we tried communicating God’s love to these people we met. Obviously, the language barrier was an issue (as none of our team members knew too much of the Portuguese language). We are blessed with dedicated translators who act as if they are our ninth and tenth team members. They truly helped us become more accustomed to the language and more effective in reaching out to the various people we encountered this week. We are slowly becoming more and more accustomed to the language and Portuguese culture by the day. (One such team member dove head first into the foreign language, he later prepared and gave his testimony in Portuguese during Sunday service. There was affirmation and amens were heard from the Colares congregation during service).
We have been blessed in so many ways this week, and it was encouraging to see the spirit working through everyone. Sunday service in Corales we helped with the Sunday school and preformed a timbrel routine, dance, praise and worship, sang and played in the band. We enjoyed a barbecue after the service and, later in the day, an open air. We are excited to see what God has planned for us this summer and hope that you can pray that we keep mirroring and modeling our motivations to God’s will – his good, pleasing, and perfect will.
With God’s love,
-Sam (Rep. Spain/Portugal)