SMT Hungary – Update #1

We have had quite the adventure so far! Delayed flights, missed connections, and an early morning arrival to Hungary definitely kept us on our toes. But we made it safely and were able to jump right into the swing of things.

Our first week was spent in Miskolc, a city two hours outside Budapest. We were able to conduct a VBS there and really get to know the kids by simply playing soccer during free time. Andrew and Stephen are definitely getting their workouts for the summer.

Hungary miskolcThe next week was spent in a gypsy village a half an hour outside of Miskolc. The Captains at the Miskolc corps also spend their time growing a new corps in this village. It was here that we set up a tent in the village’s field to hold our VBS. The days were hot but that didn’t stop us. Kids from the village would come down to play, sing songs and listen to the Bible lesson for the day. Craft time was crazy but the kids loved it. We were also able to witness the first wedding of a gypsy soldier in that village too. It was a God honoring ceremony full of praise and singing… and good food!

Our team has been continually amazed at how God is using the Captains at the Miskolc corps. They are intentional about genuinely loving the people in the gypsy communities and showing them the truth about who God is. Their dedication, even on the hottest days, was humbling for our team. The Captains showed us what a generous outpouring of God’s love for people looks like.

It was difficult to leave the Miskolc area, but we know that God has more in store for our team this summer. We safely arrived in our next location, Budapest, and look forward to another week of seeing God’s handiwork in, through and around us.


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