Partners in Mission

Did you know The Salvation Army is at work in over 131 countries around the world? The Salvation Army has a Partners in Mission (PIM) program to help Salvationists (members of The Salvation Army) become even more globally minded.
The Salvation Army in the Midwest is partnering with five other territories/regions for the purpose of learning from each other and helping one another expand and encourage the ministry of The Salvation Army spanning the globe.
We know that it can be helpful for the congregation to be aware of the type of projects that their World Services giving supports. Below see some examples of the projects that we are currently supporting in our Partner in Mission territories. Please know that ongoing giving to World Services allows projects like this to be completed.
- Training College Greenhouse, Organic Farming. The Training College desires to build a greenhouse with a fence around it. Some of the crops from the greenhouse will be sold to people in the community and supermarkets. By so doing, the college will gradually grow into being self-sufficient. This greenhouse project will reduce food expenses for cadets and the funding used in the kitchen will be channeled toward other projects in the college. Furthermore, this project will be a model to others that may want to do the same and will be taught to our cadets to enable them to have a holistic kind of training both spiritually and physically. This will enable them to utilize Army lands well in any appointment they may find themselves where there are empty lands. This project will provide job opportunities for two individuals that will work in the greenhouse. With these aims, we’ll make our community a healthy place where people get fresh veggies/crops.
- Repairs to Corps Building. The project will repaint the interior and exterior of the building, repair the bathrooms, and replace wood damaged by insects. The electrical component of the building will be brought up to code for safety. In the bathrooms, we will replace toilet bowls and basin, repair tile, install door and stair repairs. It will include the treatment of the insect infestation. The aim is to improve and update the overall condition of the building to avoid greater property concerns in the near future.
- Roofing for Corps Hall – This project aims to complete the roofing of the Hall. The Hall will provide enough room for the growing congregation, which will contribute to the growth of the Church.
- Repairs to 4 officers quarters and a hall – Four of our Officers’ quarters and a Hall need repairs. These Officers’ quarters and the hall are in rural areas where the income of the Corps is meagre. For this reason we would like to assist those Corps with the essential repairs to keep those assets in good condition.

- Prayer Halls (photos attached). Many of the projects in the India South Eastern Territory are related to the renovations, expansion, or construction of Salvation Army Prayer Halls, which are similar to our corps buildings. Often corps offer a strong local contribution to the project by providing the labor and many of the supplies. The USA Central Territory comes alongside with some additional finances to help them purchase the remaining supplies and materials. Attached are some pictures of one of the corps that we are currently supporting. You will see the picture of the “old church” which eventually was not large enough for their growing congregation. They have started construction for their new prayer hall (corps) and the funds from our territory will help to provide the materials to complete the rest of the building. Locally they are providing almost 92% of the budget for this project!
- Seminars and Trainings. This project will allow for a 3 day seminar for 30 officer delegates, focused on officer development, women officer development, and property maintenance.

Roofing grants for corps. Often the corps buildings in Kenya are constructed in small sections as the congregation is able to raise funds and complete the work. Many corps and outposts get stuck after constructing a Corps hall up to ring beam level. Roofing is costly and needs to be done as a one-time thing and not in sections as it happens with foundation and wall construction. This project plans to support roofing for five corps who have reached the ring-beam stage of construction work. The attached pictures display the current status of each Corps Hall that will be supported through this project.

- Solar Power for Territorial Headquarters Building (Administrative building) – Currently The Salvation Army in Sri Lanka is experiencing daily power cuts as the current local power grid cannot support the electricity needs in the area. Additionally, the electricity expenses are very high each month, which is further complicated by a national inflation rate that is currently around 60-70%. Having solar panels will allow them to have reliable electricity and will bring their monthly electrical bill down to about $0, freeing up these funds to be used for other needs. There is also hope that in the future they will be able to “sell back” extra, unused electricity which could become an income stream for the territory.
- Creative Ministries (picture attached) – Through this project, a large online presence will be established to encourage others and provide resources for personal and corporate worship. Also, this project will also provide financial resources to allow for workshops, training, and day programs where training in music, drama, and other creative ministries will be offered. The Sri Lanka Territory is especially hopeful that this ministry will be effective in training and empowering young people.
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