SMT CAST – Report #3

CAST-Day Camp Edition

Sunday: July 1st, CAST led the Sunday Service at the Fulton Heights Citadel Corps, doing small pieces from their show, “Just The Way You Are”. “I was intrigued to see what my Corps’ responses to a creative arts service would be, since we’ve never actually had dance in a Sunday service before”, said Erin. After the service CAST had the opportunity to mingle and chat with those who attended the Corps. After the meeting, the team was invited to join Majors Holman and Chuck & Penny Warfel for lunch.

Monday/Tuesday: July 2nd-3rd, the girls were blessed to be able to go the Muskegon Corps, hosted by Captains Chris & Brianne Karlin, and helped lead two days of their Day Camp program. While there the team shared small bits and pieces from “Just The Way You Are” and what each piece means. Amanda led the whole group in a short dance, Sandy led the group in drama games, and Nikki led the group in fun, silly camp songs. The girls sat and talked with the campers during meals, just getting to know them and sharing small facts about themselves with the children. The girls also got their sport on and played in-and-out door games. Nikki naturally stepped up, jumping straight into Kick Ball and Four Square. While Erin, Sandy, and Amanda became uplifting and joyful cheerleaders for the kids. After their second day the team said their bittersweet goodbyes to the amazing kids.

Wednesday: July 4th. The Fourth of July! The team took full advantage of their day off and rested their bodies. CAST was invited by Majors Glen & Carole Caddy to join them for a lunch cookout. CAST was also invited by Captain Chris Karlin to a small BBQ they were having in the evening. It was so nice to sit and meet people from the Muskegon Corps and talk to some of the teens who were asking questions about music and CMI.

Thursday/Friday: July 5th- 6th, CAST had yet another amazing opportunity to spend two days with the Holland Corps Day Camp hosted by Henry & Kaitlyn Herber. While there the team helped the campers with arts & crafts, indoor sports and their field trip. Nikki and Erin went with the kids to The Critter Barn, which is a petting zoo. They got to hang out with the kids and learn more about the animals. They even got to milk a goat named Violet, and they learned things such as the different between straw and hay. They sat and ate with the campers, helping them with their meals; opening milks, helping to make pizza, and stepping in for clean up. On Friday afternoon the Herbers took the team on a small tour of Holland. First they took us to “Russ’s Family Restaurant.” Nikki’s favorite part was ordering her food over the telephone. Then they took the team to the Windmill Island Gardens, which was very beautiful. Our last stop was “Captain Sunday”, a super cute and fun ice cream shop.

Saturday: July 7th. CAST’s last day off before traveling to Indiana. The team took this day just to rest and prepare their minds and bodies for the weeks to come. Resting, packing, team time, and rehearsing took up the whole day.

Please pray for CAST as we travel to Indiana. We will be spending time at the Goshen Corps on Sunday Morning and then traveling to Hidden Falls Camp to join forces with the Indiana Division’s music camp.

Have a blessed week!!
Amanda, Sandy, Nikki, and Erin


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