SMT Denmark – Update #2

Our second week here in Denmark has been spent attending and serving at the Sønderborg corps. We started off our week by participating in the Sunday service. We all sang “I Love You Lord” and Sean, Jake, Sam and Kristin played a band piece. During the service 2 new soldiers were enrolled to their corps! It was great to witness their church growing!

Monday we were a part of a prayer meeting and a creative cafe; where we were able to spend time with the corps people while knitting, crocheting, drawing, and painting. Sam and Jake were especially quick learners when it came to crocheting! Since arriving every morning we have set aside time to be in prayer with the corps officers. We have prayed for and over the community here and Denmark as a whole. It has been an uplifting and beautiful time of open communication to our God.

Tuesday we participated in a family cafe. We got to meet some of the children that attend the church. We also helped out at their local thrift store. We sorted clothes and helped with storing the labels for the clothes. We ended the day by attending a birthday party for the corps officers 5 year old twins.

Wednesday we had an adult cafe. During that time we fellowshipped with the adults of the corps.

Thursday we were able to visit a museum here in Denmark. We learned about the history of Denmark in 1864. We were also able to see more of downtown Sønderborg.

Friday was the family park day. We spent time in fellowship at a park near the corps. We made s’mores, played games, had a bounce house and did face painting. We had a great turn out, and getting to spend time with the people of the community was a blessing. We met a lot of people during our stay this week. One of the corps members was so inspired by some of the things we shared she is thinking about starting a creative ministry here in Denmark.

Saturday we packed up and headed to our next location. As we gathered our things we reflected on how we have grown closer together as a team this week, and how we have all grown closer to God. Beginning each morning in prayer allowed us to start every day off with a firm foundation. We were able to present our requests to God and trust that He is in control. We are all so blessed by each person we have met during our time here. It has also been great to spend time with, and catch up with Sabine a former SMT member! Though we are all sad to leave this new family we have met in Sønderborg, we are excited to see where God will lead us next. We do ask for prayers for the surrounding Sønderborg community, and the Salvation Army as a whole here in Denmark.


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