After a two year absence, the World Missions Department is excited to be able to offer the opportunity to be a part of Global Mission Teams once again. Our first opportunity came at the end of April 2022, when a team of 8 Salvationists from around the Central Territory headed to Dénia, Spain for 9 days.

It was a great joy to partner with our Salvation Army family in Spain throughout our time there. They invited the team to lead or contribute to all of their weekly activities which included Women’s Ministries, Prayer Meeting, Kids Club, Teen Time, their feeding program, visitation, and Sunday worship time. The team also painted the chapel, and helped with a couple other building projects during the week. Through it all, team members were challenged by the involvement and dedication of the Dénia corps members, in addition to encouraging their large number of new recruits. It was a good example of true global partnership.

Many corps members in Spain are immigrants from around the world. The corps in Dénia seemed to be a safe space for immigrants to find a feeling of home and extended family. Because of the great mix of cultures in the corps, the Global Mission team was able to experience not only Spanish food and culture, but befriended people from across Europe and Latin America. They took in the beauty of Dénia, a Mediterranean coastal town, tasted delicious Spanish and regional Valencian food, but also had Bolivian and Mexican food too. One thing they found in common was Salvation Army culture, experiencing that feeling of comfort and home just being with fellow Salvationists.

Each day the team met together for devotions, to share their favorite part of the day and what they were grateful for. During these team meetings they shared with each other their personal testimonies, took time to process their cross-cultural experiences, and prepared for the upcoming work and ministry they had. This time helped build them up as a team. They were able to focus on each other, not just on themselves. However, the entire experienced also allowed each team member to see personal growth in their own life as they recognized how they were stretched by God through it all.

If you would like to experience God through this type of global partnership, check our website for information on upcoming trips.

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