World Services – 2014/2015 Focus

The month of September marks the conclusion of the world services focus on Water.  In addition to regular world services giving, Masini Corps water tankthroughout the past 18 months our territory has raised $17,241.73 specifically for water tanks.  This amounts to over 34 communities in the Kenya East Territory who will be transformed by the availability of safe, clean water available close to home.  Thank you for your excitement and participation in this focus!
Looking to the future, the World Missions Department is excited to announce that the 2014/2015 world services focus will be based around the theme of Child Survival. Each day about 19,000 children under the age of five – 13 children each minute – die, mainly from preventable causes.* Next month we will begin sharing information about what The Salvation Army is doing to help reduce this devastating statistic and bring hope to young families through child survival initiatives.
For more information about world services or to order promotional materials, visit




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