Six Principles for Life – Lent Series, Week 2

Principle of the Week: Consume Little

Scripture: Proverbs 30:8-9, Ephesians 5:3-5

Personal Study

It is easy for many people to turn away from giving.  When our own personal finances are tight, it can be difficult to care about the suffering of others.  But have you ever really wondered if you will have food to eat tomorrow?  Have you ever tried to survive on just one meal every few days? Can you imagine starving to death?  The truth is, even those of us in the United States who have limited resources consume much more (money, food, clothing, beauty products, electronics, and the list goes on) than many other people around the world.  In our country we live in a consumerist culture which has many negative effects including financial debt, environmental concerns, and a general lack of contentment.

Think about how much you personally spend on luxuries in a typical week when you are in the States.  Don’t forget to include the money you spend on fast food, new clothes, Starbucks, texting, movie tickets, snacks from the vending machine.  You might even want to include the cost of gasoline for your car (Wait, you have a car? That’s a luxury too!)  My estimated luxury amount is: ________  Does that number surprise you?

Read Ephesians 5:3-6. In order to be holy, what must we avoid?

Read Proverbs 30:8-9. What is the risk of having too much? What is the risk of having too little?


Where is the balance between enjoying and appreciating the financial blessings God has given me and being greedy with the financial blessings God has given me?  If I wasn’t so greedy with some of the financial resources available to me, how might others benefit?


Evaluate your own life.  Is there greed or covetousness in your heart? Are there areas in your life where you spend frivolously?  Can I say “enough” rather than always “more”?  Have you found contentment in consuming little?



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  • Colton Smeck

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