Six Principles for Life – Lent Series, Week 4

Principle of the Week: Hoard Nothing Hoard Nothing social media

Scripture: Exodus 16

Personal Study

Hoarding is so common that it even has become a TV show, highlighting those with addictions. While we may scoff at those who pile up their treasures in such a way, we all have the temptation to hoard. What do you think is the difference between hoarding and saving, if any?

Read Exodus chapter 16. Israel is only days from the glorious miracle of God parting the Red Sea and saving them from Pharaoh’s armies. As you read, underline the repeated word grumbling or grumble, and then count how many times it appears.  What were the people grumbling about? What happened when some of the people hoarded the manna? What sin had they committed by hoarding?


Read Matthew 6:9-19.  Jesus says we should pray only for our daily bread and not store up for ourselves treasures on earth that can be ruined or stolen. What are some of the things people store up for themselves on earth?  When does it become wrong to obtain these things?


What am I hoarding in my life that I need to prayerfully consider giving over to God?  Next week we will explore the topic of generosity further, but begin pondering – am I hoarding things that could be useful to someone else?


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