It’s important for kids to learn that they are a part of a global community. Teaching about World Missions is not as difficult as it may sound. Here are some resources that will help you in your ministry to children. These ideas can be used in Sunday School, Character Building groups, Junior Soldiers/Corps Cadets, etc.
World Missions Spirit Week: Use this guide to have a spirit week dedicated to learning about World Missions! For day 7, click here to learn more about The Salvation Army in Sri Lanka.
VBS for India: Use this document for ideas on how to incorporate a missions component into your VBS curriculum.
Penny War – Run a penny war during Sunday School (or any other group). You can do boys v. girls, or compete by age groups, classes, etc.
Coin Boxes – order these free coin boxes here for every family at your corps and pass them out at the beginning of the year so they have time to fill it!
Blessing Calendar – Example: Here is a creative example of a calendar that can be used as a fun way to raise money while also raising awareness.
Blessing Calendar – Editable: Download this calendar to get started on creating your own Blessing Calendar!
Blessing Taxes – Editable: Download this file for another option of your own Blessing Calendar.
Developing Meaningful Work: Suggested use: Share as a children’s sermon, Adapt for use with character building programs, Incorporate in to Sunday School lesson/opening, Share with parents for use and instruction at home
World Services Word Search: The 2024 World Services video series focuses on Education. As you watch the videos, put a check mark next to the words in the list below that you hear in the narration. Then find the words in the word search.
Christmas Around the World Resource Kit: There are many resources included in the Resource Kit, but don’t feel like you need to use them all! Choose the activities that are best suited to your situation and needs. You might read about the location and pray for the needs listed as part of your personal or family devotions. Activities could be completed individually or incorporated into children’s programming or women’s ministries. Print off the materials and distribute to corps members or send out digitally with your corps newsletter.