Kenya East Resources
New! Going Deeper Activities
Download here
Suggested use:
- Personal study
- Small group (virtual or socially distant in person)
Conversations with friends and family
New! Bible Study
Download here
Suggested use:
- Personal study
- Small group (virtual or socially distant in person)
Divisional Poster
Download Here
Suggested use:
- Print and hang on your corps bulletin board.
Printing instructions: If printing on 8.5×11 – Fit to printable area, if printing on 11×17 (ideal) – Fit to paper
Children’s Resources
Download Here
Suggested use:
Share as a children’s sermon
Adapt for use with character building programs
Incorporate in to Sunday School lesson/opening
Share with parents for use and instruction at home
Fundraising Supplies
Order Here
Suggested Use:
- Coinboxes – give one to each corps family or member to collect change throughout the year
- Pledge cards – during a missions focus on a Sunday, pass these out to the congregation and challenge them to make a weekly or monthly committment to World Services/Self Denial
- Envelopes – have a monthly World Services focus. On that Sunday, share a Missions Moment and conduct a separate offering for World Services
“Go and Do Something” for Sustainable Development Goal 8
Download Here
Suggested use:
- Print and supply corps members in bulletin or mailboxes
- Email to congregation for a missions focus
- Use materials and included scripture focus during Sunday School, Small Group, mid-week Bible Study, or Sermon
This document is an excerpt from the International Social Justice Commission Publication Go and Do Something. To learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals, feel free to download and print the entire publication by visiting sar.my/dosomething.
Promotional Videos
Watch Here
- These will be released on the following schedule: November, January, March.
- Please include them in your worship time to keep the missions focus going throughout the year.