What is World Services?
World Services refers to the religious and social services programs conducted around the world by the Salvation Army. Many of these programs are financially supported by designated voluntary contributions of individual Salvationists and friends.
The year-round World Services/Self-Denial effort includes the components of education, public awareness, prayer and fundraising, to support The Salvation Army’s worldwide ministry. Funds raised help to further The Salvation Army’s work in other countries. As a part of Christian stewardship, officers and soldiers are encouraged to give sacrificially to World Services.
Does my World Services/Self-Denial donation make a difference?
Yes! World Services money is put to use overseas in a variety of ways including the funding of specific projects, providing support services to allow for the day-to-day operational costs of running Salvation Army ministries overseas, and supporting on-field support personnel such as missionaries and mission teams. In many locations, without the financial support offered through World Services/Self-Denial, ministries overseas would not have sufficient funds to operate.
What resources are available to help our corps in our World Services effort?
Printed materials including posters, donation envelopes, banks, and pledge cards are available free of charge for USA Central Territory corps, ARCs, and centers. Order your materials today using our online order form!
The click on the buttons below to access a variety of World Services fundraising and education ideas. If you have an World Services idea or resource you would like to share, please write to us at [email protected].
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