5 Lessons from Summer Mission Team 2015

This summer 28 young adults formed 5 Summer Mission Teams which served alongside local Salvation Army officers and soldiers in the Bahamas, Haiti, Hungary, Kenya, and our own USA Central Territory.  The team members have now returned home, eternally impacted by the people they met and the experiences they have had.  Here are five ways that team members have been inspired and challenged through their participation in this year’s Summer Mission Team:

  1. “I have a much better understanding of God’s love.” – Update 4bSandy Cabrera, CAST (Creative Arts Service Team)
  2. “I have learned to live simply, love in abundance, be in the moment and be a missionary in my own city.” – Haley Vecellio, Central Team
  3. “I am inspired to give more and consume less.” – Stephanie Marinelli, Haiti/Bahamas Team
  4. “This experience makes me realize my personal mission which is building relationships and showing others who Christ is.” – Milly Flores, Hungary Team
  5. “Before I thought missions had to be a big project or a flashy program or presentation, but I’ve come to learn that missions is just interacting with others, experiencing God together, and trying to see what our needs are so we can serve each other as best as we can.” – Sam Arias, Kenya Team

Are you interested in applying to serve on Summer Mission Team 2016? Applications will be available in September at centralmissions.org.


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