SMT CAST – Update #5

Hola, Buen Día! CAST has been busy once again. This week, we were in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Good Air, Land of Silver) for the Conservatorio Divisional de Música y Artes (CDMA), held at Cuerpo Central. We taught, we performed; we laughed, we cried; we made new friends, and we ate great food. We were able to share in the love of the people, and we were able to share the love of Jesus through presentation of “The Wordless Book” (translated into Spanish by Argentinean native, Laura Booth). Hola, Buen Día! CAST has been busy once again. This week, we were in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Good Air, Land of Silver) for the Conservatorio Divisional de Música y Artes (CDMA), held at Cuerpo Central. We taught, we performed; we laughed, we cried; we made new friends, and we ate great food. We were able to share in the love of the people, and we were able to share the love of Jesus through presentation of “The Wordless Book” (translated into Spanish by Argentinean native, Laura Booth).

Our time started on a sad note, as we had to leave our team member, Kish, behind to attend CBLI. It took three whole members of the Bill Booth Theatre Company to fill the gap left, but we were glad to welcome Joe Caddy, Kayla Hedgren, and Robyn Winters into our ministry. We prepped them for #CASTlife through many intense morning rehearsals. It was time well spent, though, as we shared in the worship time that is Jesus Theatre. But don’t think for a second that we stopped after our morning rehearsals. Our afternoons were also full with CDMA. Children and adults from all around the division came to participate in something like a blend between CMI and Day Camp. The combined CAST/BBTC team was responsible for several workshops through out the day: drama, panderetas (Timbrels), and a Brigada (Chorus). Robyn and Jacob were also made members of the Banda (Band) courses. Members of the US Eastern Territory’s Argentina team who assisted with translation and meal preparation blessed us.

Sandy led both timbrel workshops throughout the day. For her morning class, she taught a routine to 5-beginner timbrelists to a song called  “Rey” (Reign). Her evening Class learned a timbrel routine version of the SMT dance, “Say Yes”. Jacob led the morning drama workshop about a few different ways that drama can be used in a corps setting, including Choric Scripture Readings. The class learned the SMT verse of the summer, Philippians 2:1-11, and several motions meant to make the message clearer. Mitchell led the evening Drama group in a Choreo-drama called “El Regalo” (The Gift). It was a story about God being the greatest gift giver by giving the greatest gift, His son. The members of the class were enthusiastic learners, and were even bringing their own props from home to make it a truly special performance.

After a short snack period in the middle of the day, we were led by one of our hosts, Lt. Cristian Papaeftimiou, in a devotional series on Holiness. Friday night, though, Our team had the opportunity to share ‘The Wordless Book’ with those attending the conservatory. Sandy led the altar call and invitation portion of the evening. The response time was enthusiastic and emotional. It was truly a time filled with the Spirit, and it’s always amazing to see how He moves in those times.

On Saturday morning, Laura and Gonzalo (they served as our translators and guides through out the week) took us out to take in the sights of the city. Starting with a tour of Teatro Colon (BA Opera House), we continued on to the Casa Rosada (Pink House; capital building of Argentina) just in time to watch the changing of the guard. Finishing our tour with a trip to a nearby museum, and some time spent in a beautiful cathedral, we went back to our hotel to prepare for the events of the evening.

Saturday evening was the grand finale of CDMA. We spent the afternoon rehearsing for the Festival of Music and Art. The Festival was a mass performance of everything that the students learned throughout the week. Every ensemble performed well, and the audience from around the division had a great time. The evening was finished with a massed choir/band performance of “They Shall Come From the East”, which was an amazing experience to be a part of.

On Sunday, we went to the Villa de Parque corps to do a final presentation of “The Wordless Book”. There, the officers treated us to a very large merienda (afternoon tea time). The people of the corps welcomed us with open hearts, and we were given a feeling of being home. After presenting the message of “The Wordless Book”, the response was once again overwhelming. As Sandy gave a benediction to the audience, a dry eye was a rare sight. We continue to be thankful for the impact that our ministry has had in all of our locations. Before the meeting was over, Lt. Cristian, and Majors Miguel and Elder, and the congregation prayed one last time for the entire team and asking the Lord to continue to bless our ministry.

CAST boarded the plane to head home on Monday evening, sad to be departing from such a loving community, but with hearts full of the love and fellowship we received from all who we were so fortunate to meet. We are now safely back in the States, and ready for our final week of ministry as we head into CMI. We ask that you all continue to pray for those who have come to Jesus this summer through our ministry. Pray for those who are growing closer to Him than they’d ever dreamed they could. This is our final report of the summer, but in our line of work, we learn that that there is no such thing as “goodbye”, only “see ya later”.

Until that time, Ciao,

Sandy, Joe, Mitchell, Kayla, Kish, Georice, Robyn, & Jacob (Rep. Creative Arts Service Team)


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