SMT Spain/Portugal – Update #4

Spain/Portugal Team
Report #4
Week 4- July 1-8
Location: Alicante, Spain

Our team arrived from São Brás de Alportel, Portugal to Alicante, Spain. Unfortunately, time there became shortened because of travel complications to Spain. We were meant to arrive Monday afternoon, however the whole team did not arrive at the same time until Tuesday afternoon. It was really nice being able to be altogether again after a few hours of being separated. During the past week, the team has repaired and painted one of the walls in the chapel, repaired a handrail in the staircase, participated in the monthly food distribution and pantry ministry, served a breakfast meal for the homeless outreach ministry, lead a kid’s club meeting and youth meeting, and joined the Youth Praise Band. This different image of ministry was amazing and humbling to us. We got to work closely with people who don’t have the same opportunities as we might have at home and we were able to serve them. The people were joyful and happy and it was amazing to see their smiles and hear them communicating with each other. It was very impactful to serve adults and children, a different kind of ministry. The food pantry ministry was happening at the same time as the breakfast meal ministry. The team split up to help with both ministries. The food pantry had a lot of physical work and the room was really warm but it was a joy to be able to help with the distribution. We got to learn more about the Salvation Army and the different social services. A couple of our team members have written about their experiences and favorite moments during our time in Alicante.

Lexie: Alicante offered a ministry opportunity that was different than our previous locations. I felt like the Spirit was moving especially in our conversations with Captains Franklin and Esthela, who had such great wisdom and were such a blessing to us. Their daughters, Salome and Ana, were so sweet and we loved getting to know them. Some of us got to share stories that hadn’t been shared before and be vulnerable with each other in a new way. We were able to laugh and have fun as well as join in their food pantry services and youth programs.

Sandy: God is so good! So thankful for the opportunity to spend time in community with Captain Franklin and Esthela and the girls. Our mornings started off with a devotional time led by Captain Franklin. One of my favorite moments happened during our dinner meal. Captain Franklin had us do a small exercise where he had each team member pick an object that they were wearing or using at the table. After we picked an object, he had us go around the table and asked us to tell him the gospel story using the object we had picked. It was a lot of fun seeing and listening to everyone’s object lesson. The objects used for the lesson were: a pair of glasses, a wristwatch, a t-shirt, 2 cups with horchata and coca-cola, a shoe, a hand, and a fork with honey dew melon. Another favorite moment was during our afternoon rehearsals with the children. The youth had a lot of energy! We spent time teaching them our SMT Dance, a skit using “This Little Light of Mine” and joining them for their Youth Praise Band. They have such a beautiful youth and teen ministry at the corps.

Eddie: If there was a word that I would’ve used to describe our time in Alicante: Reflection. It was definitely a week that I needed, thinking on how God has been good to us this far. Aside from the physical work that we were tasked to do (food pantry distribution, painting the chapel, et.), there was also an aspect of spiritual refreshment with every conversation with Captain Franklin who shared his knowledge on the Word and was eager to listen to our stories. In all, Alicante was the week that I needed to happen before we ventured to Barcelona.


  • Show Comments (1)

  • Jerold Nashe

    I don’t always agree with everything you say, however you always get me thinking! Instead of arguing with you this time, I’ll just say, “thanks for thinking”!


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