In Exodus we read the story of Moses and Aaron coming to Pharoah, to speak on behalf of God, asking Pharoah to “Let His people go!”. God was prioritizing the safety and freedom of His people. He asked Moses and Aaron to be advocates for the Israelites, He asked the government leaders to make the right decision about the Israelites living in their land. We know God cares for humanity and wants them to live under just circumstances, not oppressive ones. So, can we play the part of Moses and Aaron and advocate for those who are currently suffering under oppression? Can we engage personally and corporately as members of the international Salvation Army as advocates for the 50 million people who are victims of modern slavery and human trafficking?
All of us like getting a good deal when we are shopping. But have you ever considered how companies can afford to make their prices so unbelievably low? Before you buy something that seems significantly cheaper than rivals, do some research about the company and its labor practices. You might be surprised, and disappointed, by what you find out. Are you willing to make changes in your spending?
The Salvation Army around the world is also trying to fight the unjust conditions caused by modern slavery and trafficking. Our founder, William Booth acted boldly when he heard about child labor and unsafe work environments in match factories. He worked and succeeded in lobbying government officials to change the laws of the day to provide safer conditions for those who were suffering under the unjust working environment. Today, the Salvation Army continues to fight for victims of slavery and trafficking. One program that strives to help is run by the Women’s Ministries Department of the Uganda Territory. The program supports and journeys with survivors located in different countries who need to return to and reintegrate within Uganda. While the anti-trafficking project personnel organize the practical support together with partners, Women’s Ministries officers are responding with social and emotional support to ensure long-term thriving once survivors are returned to Uganda.
What are some ways that we can be involved?
- We can pray. God can do far more than you or I can. Ask Him to intervene. And ask Him how he wants to use you as His hands and feet. (for prayer, use resources created for this day of remembrance International Social Justice Commission – Let My People Go (
- Choose wisely when you are shopping, eating out, and spending your money. Be sure that your spending habits aren’t contributing to unjust labor practices around the world.
- Support World Services Self-Denial offerings. These funds contribute to programs around the world that fight for victims of human trafficking. Your self-denial offering is a way that you can join God in His love and care for those living under oppression. Worship God through your offering. Your worship offering allows Him to do His work around the world.