Missions Moment – Self Denial

Webster’s Dictionary defines the term self-denial as “a restraint or limitation of one’s own desires or interests.” The term “World Services/Self-Denial” relates to the individual sacrifice made on behalf of the international Salvation Army. This sacrificial giving is above and beyond tithes and offerings to the local corps.

Our own self-denial for World Services allows for The Salvation Army around the world and helps to provide for practical needs. Recently, self-denial funds given to World Services have provided medical equipment for Salvation Army clinics, allowed for the repair of sanitation systems, supported the construction of corps buildings, and more!

The month of April is often a time when there is a strong emphasis on World Services/Self-Denial as we prepare for the annual World Services Ingathering at the end of the month. Our situation is different this year as we worship from our own homes and many of us face uncertainties regarding health, finances, and the future. By exhibiting generosity, especially during this time, we testify to the unwavering hope that we have in God. In addition to giving financially to World Services, here are some additional ways to practice self-denial during this season:
-In self-denial give the gift of time. Call up a friend who might be lonely and in need of a listening ear right now. Write a card of encouragement to someone who is on the front lines of the fight against this pandemic.
-In self-denial give the gift of supplies. Maybe on your last grocery run you were able to pick up a giant package of toilet paper or several loaves of bread. Is there a neighbor who might be in need of some of these supplies at this time? Consider how you might arrange to share some of your supplies with others in need.
-In self-denial fast and pray for our brothers and sisters around the world.
How are you engaging in self-denial during this time?

Video resources:
To access the 2020 World Services Videos on the topics of Self-Denial, Global, Partnership, Growth click here.

To access Into the World: Self-Denial Transforms click here.

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