SMT Denmark – Update #5

It is hard to believe that this has been our last full week here in Denmark. We have all had an amazing experience here and are sad to be leaving this beautiful country in just a few days. This week we participated in and helped out at a family camp. The families that attend this camp are families that receive assistance during the Christmas season. Monday was the first day of camp. We were already there at the camp because we had attended a children’s camp the week before. On Monday night the team and I were in charge of the evening program. We played minute to win it games. It was a fun way to get camp started. Tuesday through Friday there was a routine that we would follow every day. We would start out the morning with breakfast, then we would go to a leaders meeting. Then we would have a morning gathering with everyone from camp. On Friday, there was a voluntary worship meeting that the team was in charge of helping with. We shared testimonies, I did a dance, and some of us helped out the Gospel Chorus elective with their performance. Then we would go to our network groups (Small groups of varying ages). Then we would each go to an open elective, where anyone could go to or change during the week. Chaslyn and I went to gospel; Sam, Sean and Lyndsey went to sports, and Jake went to outdoor activities. Then it was lunch time! After lunch the camp would have free time. Some of us would be assigned to supervise the gymnastics hall. All the kids could run, play and jump into a foam pit! After free time we would all go to assigned workshops. These workshops were mandatory and everyone had to go to at least one. Sam went to zumba, Jake went to baking, Lyndsey went to sports, Chaslyn went to rock solid( An elective where you would learn about the bible in a creative way), Sean went to Table Tennis, and I went to arts and crafts. After our workshops we would go to dinner. After dinner we would help clean up and then go in to the evening program. Each night it was lead by a different group of people. On the final night, there was a talent night in which we performed in several acts. One of the acts was our team dance performed by the campers! They were super excited and thankful that we taught them the dance.

On our final Sunday in Denmark we went to the Temple Corps and preformed many musical numbers. Since many people were gone for the summer that Sunday they were super excited for us to worship with them. We led the worship, did timbrels, and some of us helped with the band. (Our timbrel routine had technical problems towards the end. When we finished our routine, Cha-Cha Slide started to blare in the speakers since it was the next song on the playlist. It was all in good humor and some of the Danes wanted to walk out of service sliding to the left and to the right.) We have three days left in Denmark and the work that needs to be done involves leading a “summer-fun” day and some manual labor. Pray that we continue serving God’s mission here in Denmark without burning out and that we can sort our feelings of saying good-bye to the wonderful Officers, youth, campers, corps members, and everything in between we met this summer (and hopefully see again at some point)!

Tusen tak* for sticking with us this summer!

*Tusen tak- a danish saying that translates to “thousand thanks”

–Lauren & Team Denmark!


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